Shaw Center Stories

Public Relations/Anthropology- Taylor Byrne ’25

Taylor Byrne ’25 is an aspiring public relations practitioner, majoring in public relations and minoring in anthropology

Taylor Byrne ’25 is forging her own career path. An aspiring public relations practitioner, she majors in public relations in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. But it’s her minor in anthropology, courtesy of the College of Arts and Sciences and the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, that gives the Virgina native a competitive edge.

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Being a Team Player Enhances Growth- Evan Kalish ’25

“Last year we had around 60 tutors, [for Balancing the Books], and are primed to expand to a fourth school, which is super exciting. It’s probably my favorite activity I’ve been involved with on campus because it helped me realize how important community is…”

As a senior at New Trier High School outside of Chicago, Evan Kalish ’25 set his sights on studying business in college. When he saw many of his classmates heading to different universities, he knew he wanted to chart his own path. Continue Reading

Student Project Features Shaw Center

This video was created by Sarah Torres ’26 to spotlight the work the Shaw Center does in its mission for academic and community engagement. An undergraduate sophomore double majoring in Political Science and Magazine, News and Digital Journalism, Torres was required to create a short newscast style video on a topic of choice for her SPA 402 Hispanic Journalism Practice final project. In light of her passion for community work and service, Torres chose the Shaw Center.

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